Cheers to You, Moms



I would like to take a moment and dedicate this post to my sisters-in-law with littles, and all you moms of littles.  This is me, raising my glass (wine or coffee, take your pick) in your honor.  You change hats millions of times throughout your day – teacher, food and snack provider, chauffeur, mediator, cheerleader, boo-boo kisser, carrier of allthethings, hugger, booger-wiper – and you somehow still manage to put together a coherent sentence at the end of the day.  Cheers.

I just spent a glorious afternoon with my sister-in-law and niece and nephew at a local farm, picking pumpkins, going for a tractor ride, swinging on rope swings and sliding down slides…and we had a blast.  It was a perfect autumn Friday (minus the fact that it was 85 degrees outside and HOT…fall, wherefore art thou, fall??).  But apparently after five years out of the classroom and now being accustomed to spending quiet days in front of the computer, I am pretty much good for nothing at this point.  Like, seriously.  (Obviously.  I’ve resorted to using ‘like’ in a sentence…game over.)  It’s taken me 30 minutes just to put these two paragraphs together, and they’re obviously spellbinding in prose.  Double cheers to all you moms of littles who attempt to write for a living in the cracks of time throughout your day.

But it was SO much fun…and it got me thinking.  I can’t wait to join your ranks.  I really can’t.  My mental capacity for forming sentences above a 3rd grade level may seriously be diminished for a while, but you know what?  I’m good with that.  If it means making memories and cheering my little people on and wiping noses and picking them up when they fall and giving hugs…that’s a trade I’m willing to make.


Because it’s all important.  Moms, YOU are vital to your stories, to your people.  You make a difference right where you are, today, in this moment with your people.  Thank you for being you.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to allow my brain to turn to complete mush courtesy of Taco Bell and Alias or Gilmore Girls, we’ll see where the spirit leads us.  Cheers and happy Friday!


4 thoughts on “Cheers to You, Moms

  1. Surprise, but this is dear old Dad commenting on your ode to Mom’s. Very well said dear sweet daughter. Your Mom and I can hardly wait for you to assume your place in the “Hallowed Hall of Moms”. The list of mommy minutiae you spoke of, are the seeds that sprout and grow into the treasured memories of parenthood that we cherish so dearly when you leave our nest and build your own. Can hardly wait to hear your little flock begin their chirping. May sound more like the gaggle of geese though. Love you and enjoy your weekend. Dad

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ❤️❤️❤️😘And if the ‘geese’ get to honking too loudly, we may just send them down to Grandma and Grandpa in FL… 😂😘


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